We started out with "Up On the outside of the box" !!! And I have to add that we were laughing and having an awsome time!!! Sassy is a joy ...but never a push over....We are a partnership of the heart and work with each others mood ...and Sassy takes on the added aspect of being quite careful with me depending where I am on the medical barometer that day!!! Sitting down under a horse isnt at the top of most peoples "TO DO" list.....and in my case....Let's see: Left side that can just decide its not going to play nice....Dizzy blonde spells ....and a thousand pound animal balanced on a box...Ummmm Yep...What could possibly go WRONG here???!!! Everyone was remarkably calm when I sat down....Thank you all for that...for BELIEVING in Team Sassy/Krista! Sassy stood with ears turned towards me...waiting patiently! We finished "ground" work...and moved on ....to the newest chapter in the Sassy adventure.
NO Hands NO Stirrups NO Doubt NO Fear
Sometimes in life we deal with circumstances that are beyond our control! We simply must trust... one of the hardest of all human emotions to achieve. As I stated above...Dianne unknowingly gave me a priceless gift in this adventure. Raynaud's Phenomenon is a secondary issue that I deal with due to my migraines. It is a condition that can be quite painful (Cold weather below forty-two degrees is no no) and if it progresses to a certain point...can mean the loss of the fingers or toes/feet. Mmmmm NOW the loss of feet could SEVERELY interfere with a girl's riding......OR SOOO I had been rather UNEASILY thinking .....and THEN we REACHED for the stars.
I LOVE that Dianne is so open to my confidence level * my mother would say lack of commen sense LLOLL ....I call it a LACK of FEAR* ...and we JUST RIDE and when she suggested this exercise my comment is "LET's DO IT !!!! So, RIDE Sassy I did....NO FEAR....NO DOUBT....NO Hands....and NO STIRRUPS...... which means NO feet needed.....I never AGAIN will uneasily wonder if should I lose a foot..that then I would also... lose my ability to be in my happy place...on my Sassy's girls back!!!! By nature I am a positive person *my very blood type is B positive* ... but as the temps have been slipping....at times the ramifications of the Raynauds do slip into my thoughts... On this day....thru Dianne and Sassy...The Good Lord VIVIDLY reminded me to TRUST that He will always BLESS US.....and will always provide what we NEED the most....For me on this day...my two wonderful friends gave me the priceless gift of .....NO FEAR.... !!
One of God’s most Intelligent Creatures is The Horse…. They Love…They logic..They protect…They trust...throw in wonderful two footed friends then...... ....Always ...Breathe... BELIEVE.. Have faith in God , your horse, and yourself ...That combination gives you the ability to ALWAYS REACH For the Stars . Curly Hugs from Sassy N Krissy
~♥ MAY the CURLS be ALWAYS with you ♥ ~