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Simplistic in a most complicated way! A true horsewoman does not look at the horse with her eyes, she looks at her horse with her heart. Replace dominance with kind authority; somebody has to be in charge and it better be you.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A horse of a Different Color......

"That horse is a different color........*quiet pause*........What a Beautiful color........*quiet pause* what color is she??" I hear those words often from people seeing Sassy in person or in pictures.........The technical answer is Grulla (Spanish word pronounced grew-ya) .... according to the info the rarest of all coat colors .........the coat is slate (blueish silver) with primitive markings such as leg barring or as in Sassy's case, tiger stripes at and above the hock. Grulla's will also have a dorsal stripe on their back. Their face and ear tips are outlined in black. Lending an even more unique aspect .....Sassy is also a Curly...sporting Marcel curls in winter.
Sassy was my birthday gift last year.....and upon arriving into our herd of a deep mahogany bay(Kallie)....two JET blacks (Lex and Montana) and one black and silvery white spotted draft(Panda) the "oddest" thing happened....... NOT one of the other horses asked her what color she was...nor did they care......Nope...Not a single one!!!!
When we introduce a new member ...... we do it one at a time.....leaving the upper hierarchy of Lex and Panda last. Horses say "hello" with soft and sometimes NOT so soft nostral blows....
The acceptance or dismissal of the newcomer by each individual personality is immediate..... there is no wondering where you stand in the herd nor with the current members.
The horses dont care what color she is....where she is from....who her farrier is.....what set of grooming brushes she may be sporting....nor what her lineage is....they follow their "instinct" on whether the newcomer is acceptable. They take life one minute at a time....they take time to drop and roll...they take time to nap......they take time to give a hug or a good grooming to friends....they discipline with purpose and they work as a team...... The herd is family whether genetics is shared or not!
We have a certain order that we bring the horses out and back into the field in. Deviations in that order can cause the upper hierarchy to become a bit grumpy!!! LLOLL If only humans were as organized yet fluid in reactions and accepting.
Panda will do a head count each and every time she is turned out. If one of the others are missing...she calls ....and calls..... and calls. She is the first to investigate if something has changed in the pasture.....and the ground truely trembles when she accelerates to close a distance. She has put her body between us and strangers that she has not deemed non-threatening!!!....Panda has carried Alexis and Deb upon her back ...never faltering in her mission of keeping them safe.......and never failing to be the noble creature she is........ Never once caring if we are the two legged or four legged members of her herd...nor if blonde...redhead....or brunette.... she just keeps us safe!! She takes her responsibility seriously and withOUT hesitation!
Lex has been rather antisocial.....an equal opportunity "disliker"....LLLOLLL She is our most prolific jokester.....but also our most wary! We do not know her full interaction background....but if a human she is not familiar with attempts to "lead" her anywhere.....she plants those long legs.....pulls that beautiful head upward..... squares her "lex hiney" and refuses to move. Where Panda has this almost etheral air about her....Lex and Sassy have ...fairytale princess qualities...
But Lex could care less that Sassy is beautiful....or that she is Grulla....or that she is curly.....she has decided simply that Sassy is her friend....Lately she and Sassy have been gifting us with the most amazing displays of grooming each other! Lex has bonded with Sassy in a most incredible way....
I have heard the term of "livestock" used as a descriptive catagory for these creatures.....and quite honestly I am dumbfounded that anyone ever exposed to horses would think that....... mankind would be so much more blessed if it simply followed Lex's shining example and obtained the understanding that love and family of the heart can make life as it should be.......and when you find an amazing friend ....it is of no importance if She is a horse of different color....

Because on Earth....Its a bit of Heaven for me.....

Yesterday, at One pm on the dot.... I had the privilage of turning forty-two years old.. .... while on the phone with a loved one wishing me birthday fuzzies...she asked me "Why on EARTH do you get up on the back of a horse....Arent you afraid you will have an episode??" She didnt mean it maliciously..nor in a demeaning manner..... She was simply voicing concern for my safety.I have been asked "why" several times before and am sure that it is a question that has come into the the thought process of MOST everyone that loves me..... a vast majority of those that are not Equine Enlightened.....and simply dont understand what they have NEVER experienced!!!When the "Equine UNenlightened" look at a horse....They see mass...muscle....and hooves....! An entity that could create mass destruction to humans and surroundings should it so be inclined....with one simple buck...send its rider into a dangerous trajectory .....and let me assure you....Gravity WORKS.....LLLOLLL But, as every Equine Enlightened one knows.... Our Heavenly Father....the Great Equine Creator did NOT design these amazing creatures to be destructive.....Quite to the contrary....they go out of their comfort zone to avoid destruction...... they display incredible loyalty, enthusiasm...empathy...kindness....temper....curiosity....senses of humor and protectiveness. They are in my opinion/experience one of the top intuitive beings on this Earth. Just like "man" .....each horse has its own individual likes and dislikes.....personalities.....and quirks. For me personally the keys to a successful relationship with a horse consists of never stopping the learning....never stopping the fun.....and never stopping the trusting. My equine family members consists of Deb's three and my three. So, between us we have several tons of equine...five of which PMS *in our world that stands for permanant Mare syndrome* .... and quite honestly the four legged mares...and the two legged ones....SYNC.....LLLOLLL... but here I digress....back to the "Why on Earth" question....When Panda came to be a part of our Family ....the months prior had been medically challenging for me..... in attempting to give something special to my daughter...a port in her teenage world's storms....an incredible barage of Blessings began and have continued for me...... wonderful humans and animals... (Deb, Rhonda, MJ, Toni, Suzie, Lisa, Nikki, Rikki, Dianne..KAllie...Sassy... Lex...Montana..Maverick...as well as several others) and experiences(Renee....your Fast ride on KAllie...and you trusting me when I asked you to ride with us..!!! Mj...Our Saturday ride that was a series of UNfortunate events)......Memories that are hugs to my very soul........and will bring a smile even when my head feels as tho it is going to explode .....Blessings beginning in this realm with Deb's encouragement and Aly's Pandamonium...the noble black and white draft cross...that I entrust Alexis..(my most cherished and loved part of my heart to) .... and Panda has NEVER ONCE let me down in that trust.... Indoors and Out....She has always taken care of Alexis <3 Deb and I are blessed to be able to ride for hours in our subdivision.... and several of our equine sisters of the heart have joined us....each and everyone of them have been so understanding and amazing on my more medically challenging days...which is a boost that I am not skilled enough to put into words...By simply climbing on either KAllie-girl before she retired or Sassy's back now.....physically...the perpetual ache of /from my migraines are temporarily soothed and lessoned.......mentally there is a unique peace that I have never experienced elsewhere,..... and emotionally...the giggling is at its maximum with me.By simply being... in either the field,the stable, or the saddle ..... I am in my amazing happy place....the soft nuzzles and becalming knickers of welcome....they are excited and happy to see us....the sound of their hooves as some days they race up and others they walk with happy purpose to simply be close.......it is complete and pure acceptance... the equine version of love.... I never ignore nor lose perspective that they are thousand pound creatues....and I am so thankful that the horses never lose sight of the fact that I am fragile in my humaness .... doing all they can to take care of me ..... So, for me...the Blessings FAR outweigh the risks...It is my Heaven on Earth...and That... my loved ones is "WHY on EARTH" I get up on the back of my beloved horse.....