I've always loved animals....from the little girl that I was to the woman I am now...I have been drawn to Any and ALL of God's creatures. *I have been refered to as "Ellie Mae" more than once in my lifetime* I have been blessed to be claimed as the human of some incredible four footed fuzzies....Up until a couple of years ago, my "fuzzy" population had consisted of cats, dogs, ferrets, fish, and at one point a "fancy" mouse......*it was Aly's and I was SOOO not present when it was purchased* Then....one day I made a small decision .....a decision that would impact ....bless and change my world in a most dramatic way.... I chose to take a road less traveled..... In this instance....the road less traveled was the rarely used... by me.... other entrance of my subdivision and would take me right passed the home of one firecracker of a redhead..... Deborah Martin..... who on this day was getting her mail... we had met at a neighborhood cookout the summer before....I stopped and spoke..... she mentioned she was going to take care of her horse....... and less than a week later I was sitting in her "cowgirl cadillac" SUV ....going to look at a horse for my daughter....You guys know the end result of that adventure as Aly's PANDAmonium.... Panda <3Its amazing how God works in our individual lives.... For those of you that dont know....I have a rather unique Migraine issue.... one that literally causes my brain to "reboot"..... Cleveland Clinic uses the term "confusional migraines with syncope"(with an itty bitty Chiari malformation) ....which triggered a secondary condition known as Reynaulds Phenomenon........effecting my nervous system primarily on the left side..... by this point in the progression of the medical issues I was/am no longer driving far distances.....Deb, who is a registered nurse....has no issues with hanging out with a blonde that could go from fully functional to "UT O" in a flash of a light beam....Literally!!!! As we spent more and more time at the stables and with Aly's Panda....the little girl in me became very aware of my hope for me to some day have a horse of my own.....Deb is as avid an animal lover as I am ... and it wasnt long til she had located what seemed to be a great horse partner for me .... "Free Lease" on an Appendix Bay Curly.....Parades Jubilee.....aka KAllie-Girl....... she sent me photos that she had obtained from Kallie's owner and asked me if I wanted to take a ride...... and Ride we did....with Deb's trailer attached....the moment I saw Kallie and KAllie-girl saw me.....I have been her human....
Ms Sue gifted KAllie girl to me several months later...making me her forever humanAngels take different shapes for different people .....KAllie-girl is mine...... KAllie-girls LOVES being a horse...she has shown me unconditional kindness...patience ..... and forgiveness of my unusual episodes.....and some of the unusual situations it has caused..... I have always been a sharing person.....yet....... I have entrusted KAllie-girl to few ....Aly...Renee...and Deb have been on her back.....she is that precious to me...... Where God may close one garage door (my driving freedom) ....Our Heavenly father throws open a stable door ( the amazing addition of KAllie-girl to my world) ... The UNequaled sensation of God's created freedom ......of being on her back....and giving her her head...............and flying on the ground.... I receive a mindboggling amount of support from my family who arent necessarily horse passioned other than Deb..... I love you all.........Thank You Deb and Ms Sue for the amazing GIFT/Blessing of KAllie-girl <3I retired her in May....but I will never ever REtire...or Tire of the memories of what it is like to be on KAllie-girls back....listening to the sound of her hooves....in perfect rhythm with the beat of my heart.... on the road less traveled...
My last time on her back.....